SurgePlus - schedule, file and photo sharing
Recent Changes
VersionNew Features Bug Fixes
1.4g (Beta version only)
Thursday, 21 April 2005
  • Fixed bug causing SurgePlus not to work on Windows NT, Windows 95 and Windows 98 machines.
1.4f (Beta version only)
Wednesday, 15 December 2004
  • Fixed bug introduced in 1.4e where SurgePlus would sometimes stop running after a few hours.
Monday, 06 December 2004
  • Better import/export options for synchronization with other calendar programs. You can now assign system wide hot keys to repeat the last import/export you did.
  • Calendar - Fixed bug where sharing events with long descriptions could cause some properties of the event to not be shared correctly.
Thursday, 25 November 2004
  • File Sharing - There is now a "Send to SurgePlus" menu option in Windows Explorer.
  • You can now assign system wide hot keys for performing various actions, including pasting specified text into the current (not necessarily SurgePlus) window.
Tuesday, 06 July 2004
  • Calendar - Importing calendar events now ignores events you have imported previously.
  • Calendar - Added "Dismiss All" button to event notify window to dismiss all pending events.
  • Calendar - Fixed bug when sharing events with contacts whose names contain quote or comma characters.
  • Calendar - Fixed up problems with active date changing when going between day/month/week/year views.
  • Calendar - Fixed minor layout issues where various controls are not correctly lined up.
  • Calendar - Fixed bug where some images were not drawn correctly on Windows 95/98 machines.
Tuesday, 22 June 2004
  • Calendar - If you try to close an unsaved event, it prompts you to save it.
  • Calendar - Preference to have the email when event occurs checkbox on by default for new events.
  • Calendar - There is now an option to send an SMS message to your mobile phone when an event occurs. It requires you have an email address gateway to your mobile phone available.
  • File Sharing - Folders now display the total size of all files within them.
  • Calendar - Made it much easier to add lots of users to your address book - it defaults to having an email address matching the nickname you supply at your domain name.
  • Calendar - Fixed flickering problems in main calendar window.
  • Fixed bug where OK/Cancel buttons did the opposite actions of what they should have when restoring the default color scheme.
Wednesday, 02 June 2004
  • File Sharing - Can now share and synchronize any file or folder on your computer instead of only those in the SurgePlus Shared Files folder
  • File Sharing - You can now share and/or synchronize your Internet Explorer Favorites folder.
  • File Sharing - Preview images are now automatically resized to fit within the preview pane.
  • Calendar - Can now import or export contacts and calendar events from other programs.
  • Calendar - It now displays images for repeating and shared events. Events shared by other users have part of the event colored in the color you choose for sharing contact.
  • Minor bug fixes: removed invalid entry in system alt-tab list. fixed crash when right clicking below event grid.
Friday, 23 April 2004
  • Calendar - Can now view entire schedules of yourself and contacts simultaneously
  • Calendar - Can now choose different colors for different events and can assign colors to contacts so that all events owned by a particualar contact are display in a particular color
  • File Sharing - Can now choose not to automatically sychronize folders on any computer you use SurgePlus on
  • Calendar & FileSharing - Many minor additions
  • Fixed bug that would cause all system icons to disappear after shutting down SurgePlus on Windows 98
  • Fixed bug that could crash SurgePlus after changing the appearance preferences
Thursday, 18 March 2004
  • Minor changes
Monday, 15 March 2004
  • No new features
  • Various bug fixes